US Seed Stage Tech Accelerators

Posted by superuser on Monday 10th of January 2011 | 0 Comment(s)

Here is a Google Map showing the locations of Seed Tech Accelerators in the USA. Shouldn't we have similar for Europe?

What The Colors Mean:

+ Yellow = Private: Dominant driver behind the incubator and its funding is a private group with private funds.
+ Red = VC/Angel Group: Dominant driver behind the group and its funding is an established VC or organized angel network.
+ Purple = University: Dominant driver behind the incubator and its funding is a university with its own resources.
+ Green = Corporate: Dominant driver behind the incubator and its funding is a corporation with its own funds.
+ Teal = Government: Dominant driver behind the incubator and its funding is state, city, or county government with taxpayer funding.
+ Blue = Hybrid Approach: The incubator and its funding is a combination of stakeholder groups with pooled resources.

View U.S. Seed Stage Tech Accelerators in a larger map

Further resources:

1. Complete List of Incubators and Accelerators (like Y Combinator) by Jason Calacanis.
2. Incubators/Accelerators by Deadline by Jason Calacanis.
3. Help for Startups! – A semi-complete list of startup accelerator programs